Shades of Autumn
Paris Art Palette

Vincent van Gogh

The Siesta (after Millet)

Musée d’Orsay

We all know about Van Gogh— one of the great 19th century artists who was unknown unrecognised during his lifetme. He painted The Siesta while taking the compositions from Francoise Millet for Four Moments in the Day. The siesta captures the fields of wheat from Van Gogh’s window while he was interned in a mental asylum in Saint-Rémy de Provence.

Suzanne Valadon

Portrait with Miss Lily Walton

Centre Pompidiou

Suzanne Valadon was known for her unconventional post-imressionist style, her independent spirit (and  feeding her cats caviar). Her cat Raminou became a great subject in her paintings. She manages to capture (sometimes) haughty yet remarkable companionship that comes with cats.


Joan Mitchell

Fondation Louis Vuitton

I always stop when I see a work of Joan Mitchell. I find them gripping and thought-provoking and intense. As she remarked ones “(m)y paintings aren’t about art issues. They’re about a feeling that comes to me from the outside, from landscape” (J. Mitchell, quoted in M. Tucker, Joan Mitchell, New York, 1974, p. 6). 

Han Bing

A Very Lucky Man’s Melancholy

Thaddaeus Ropac
Han Bing’s first solo exhibition at Thaddaeus Ropac presents a group of new, large-scale paintings alongside more intimate and instinctive works on paper. A Very Lucky Man’s Melancholy encapsulates the bold, bright colours that are contrasted with  fragmented compositions of torn posters.

Félix Vallotton

Femme au Bouquet

Petit Palais

Amongst the exceptional collection of Petit Palais, you will find Femme au Bouquet by Vallotton— a painting of a woman in yellow arranging flowers where the yellow and red are the prominent colours. 

Berthe Morisot

Julie Manet and Laerte

Musée Marmottan Monet

Julie Manet was the daughter and only child of Berthe Morisot and Eugène Manet. Morisot Morisot was not only a talented artist but also a groundbreaking figure in the male-dominated art world of her time.  The greyhound’s name, Laertes, comes from William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet.

Monique Frydman
In Golden Light

Galerie Dukto

Monique Frydman is a prominent French artist celebrated for her distinctive abstract works of art that evoke emotions and narratives through layers of pigment and intricate patterns. Her art encompasses painting, printmaking, and textile installations. In her collection "L' Autre Rive," there is an emphasis on sweeping brushstrokes, as the canvases are imbued with a more watercolor feel.
Saturday Aug 5 2023