The More You Look, The More You See.
Pat Andrea

 “I paint emotions, intuitions, things that I can pluck out of the air. Through my paintings, I open the doors to my subconscious. And I have no control over it. My paintings don’t illustrate a preconceived story, they only come into being when I paint them.” Pat Andrea rightfully describes art as a reflection of society, culture and self.

Pat Andrea’s magical realist paintings evoke themes of sexuality, fertility, fear and desire. They are frisky yet dark, raw yet delicate portrayals of women and men in different walks of life. In his works, he depicts an ambiguous and troubled universe, often representing erotic female figures from his unconscious.

Portraying dreams and visions, his paintings carry uninhibited emotions, humour and bleak details. The more you look, the more you see. His works of art mimic life by juxtaposing magical realism with reality itself which leads to a thought-provoking discussion coupled with humour. Crosswalk, his recent exhibition at Strouk Gallery has a subjective subtlety and an objective eroticism that captivates the viewer.

Pat Andrea: Crosswalk was on show at the Strouk Gallery until 03 June 2023

Strouk Gallery
2 Avenue Matignon
75008 Paris

Tuesday – Saturday
10.30am – 7pm

Grand-écrat 2018 - 2023
Pat Andrea is an internationally acclaimed Dutch painter who is a significant protagonist of the New Subjectivity movement and European magical realism. New Subjectivity can be defined as a return to unsentimental reality and a focus on the objective world.

“The unconscious is the key to my subjects. What I paint is in fact what I see when I widely open the doors of my unconsciousness. I’m an observer of human relationships, our social drives and pulsion. Artists are here to paint a world we cannot see, the world of ideas, the world of dreams, the things that do not exist. That’s our task.”

Saturday Aug 5 2023